
To install the script and man pages in the standard areas, give the sequence of commands

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install # you probably need to do this step as superuser

If you want to install the script in your own private space, use

perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/joeuser \
INSTALLMAN1DIR=/home/joeuser/man/man1 \
make test
make install # can do this step as joeuser

Note that `make test` does nothing interesting.

Example Web Files

Optionally, you can copy the examples directory to your web server document root to be able to use the top-down view and the host detail pages. See doc/DESIGN for more information on the example and how to customize things to integrate with your own equipment database.

For instance:

# cp -r example /var/www/html/rackview_example
# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/rackview_example
# chmod -R a+r /var/www/html/rackview_example

By default, rackview loads its data from the example.dat file placed in /etc/eidetic. You will want to create your own .dat file for your equipment; specify the path and filename you use in the rackview.conf file.

Installing Database

If you would like rackview to load its data from mysql instead of from a file, you can change its behavior by specifying in rackview.conf:


You will also need to set up a database and the tables. SQL files for creating these tables are available in the sql/ directory. Rackview also requires a user/password for accessing this database; read-only permission for these two tables is fine.

Since rackview is a viewing tool, you're on your own for figuring out how best to load the data into it. mysql has a variety of admin tools for doing this, so there's probably at least a dozen different ways of accomplishing it.


Under a user with sufficient permissions and from the program distribution directory, execute

perl Makefile.PL

if there isn't a file called Makefile. Then execute

make uninstall

This sometimes works, and sometimes it does not. If it refuses to work, you can simply remove all files by hand. Look for the .packlist file which perl created when installing the software and remove all files you find in there.

Brought to you by the Open Source Development Labs